Asia & Darling
Stars:Asia, Darling
Asia and Darling have been bad girls, and now they're going to pay for
it! They each grudgingly submit to the hard hands of their a much older,
dominating father type that has no qualms about punishing these girls
by making them pull down their pants and spanking their bare bottoms
until they are bright red!
File name: 735_SPV_Asia_and_Darling.wmv
Size: 729 MB
Duration: 01:22:25
Resolution: 480x360
Stars: Carly Daniels, Susan Mills, Dennis Hunter
A hand that spoils the rod spoils the child, and this movie reflects
that passage and a whole lot more. The movie starts off with the
daughter getting disciplined by her mother for doing something naughty.
Then daddy comes home and finds out his little girl has not been her
obedient self and he spanks her until her ass is nice and red. Last but
not least after a brief conversation, the father decides that he is not
happy with his beautiful wife and spanks her as well.
File name: 734_SPV_20_40.wmv
Size: 628 MB
Duration: 01:07:29
Resolution: 480x360
Belt Spankings At Reform House No. 9
Here's one of the most richly satisfying corporal punishment movies we
have ever produced. Imagine, three pretty Reform school inmates, and a
perverted, sadistic female warden. That's what you get here! Watch as an
attractive young blonde humbly lowers her panties, grabs her ankles,
and reluctantly presents her saucily curved bottom to the Warden for
harsh stinging paddling. Then watch as each unfortunate and very naughty
girl is forced to undress completely and lie prone on an X-shaped
punishment frame. The girls plead nervously for leniency, as they are
securely cuffed to the wooden frame, but none is granted. When you see
their rounded bottoms raised high and their legs revealing spread it
will take your breath away!! Each girl is then painfully whipped with a
20' leather strap. No amount of crying or screaming deters the Warden.
She straps her exposed bottoms with harsh, stinging force, until each is
completely broken and loudly repentant!!
File name: 733_SPV_Belt_Spankings_At_Reform_House_No__9.wmv
Size: 440 MB
Duration: 00:47:00
Resolution: 480x360
Resolved By Corporal Punishment 12 Authentic Spankings
Stars: Sarah
No one wants to go to court. No one wants to end up with a judgment
against them and or a court record. We locate and investigate cases that
have been filed or are about to be filed in Conciliation Courts
involving girls over the age of 18.
File name: 732_SPV_Resolved_By_Corporal_Punishment_12_Authentic_Spankings.wmv
Size: 440 MB
Duration: 00:47:00
Resolution: 480x360
Spanking Girls At The Bad House
These girls are bad apples. That's why they've been sent to the bad
house, where strong discipline is administered at every turn. You'll
delight, seeing these arrogant, snotty girls get put into their proper
places. One gets her seat set ablaze by a vigorous spanking before she
even gets to the bad house.Another shirks her duties and gets sent to a
tough female guard. It's not long before her tight, bare bottom is
glowing from a sound over-the-knee spanking with a wooden ruler.When the
two girls are caught sniping at each other during chores, they are
immediately fastened to an overhead beam. The guard slips each girl's
panties down, then proceeds to stripe their bare asses with a bamboo
cane.And, after tensions boil over, causing a naked "cat fight" outside
the showers, it's time for old-fashioned leather strapping in the
basement of the reform house.Bad girls. A bad house. But very good
File name: 731_SPV_Spanking_Girls_At_The_Bad_House.wmv
Size: 258 MB
Duration: 00:28:00
Resolution: 480x360
A Renter's Dream 2
Stars: Christina Carter, Cecil B.
Once again our Landlord has been challenged by a beautiful woman.
After repeated warnings as to what would happen if she was late with the
rent again, Christina decided to see what would happen. In reality she
was looking forward to his making good on his threat. We open with our
hapless renter lying by the fireplace writing in her diary. She is still
so excited by the memories of what happened that she cannot help but
let her "fingers do the walking on her "Mons Venus" between those lovely
File name: 730_SPV_A_Renter_s_Dream_2.wmv
Size: 415 MB
Duration: 00:47:00
Resolution: 480x360